Sunday, August 30, 2009


God given principles of Love for God, fear of sin and Morality in Society, have often been heard echoing in Prasanthi Nilayam, especially during the recent past, in Bhagawan’s Divine Discourses. This indicates the greater emphasis Bhagawan has been laying for the uplift of moral fabric in the society that would eventually help in nation building. When the valedictory function of the two-day conference on “Ethics & The World of Finance”, organized by the Sri Sathya Sai University and attended by scores of industry captains from the banking and financial sector across the nation, approached, there were much expectations of a Divine Valedictory Address, with Bhagawan divulging into the topics of ethics and morality, two subjects dear to His heart.

As the bhajans continued, Bhagawan was finishing His round of benediction, blessing hundreds and thousands packed in the Sai Kulwant Hall. Coming onstage Bhagawan spent some time with the luminaries from the world of finance, blessing Padmabhushan K.V.Kamath, Former Head Honcho of ICICI and currently Non-Executive Chairman, with a gold chain.

It was not a surprise, when Bhagawan asked for the mikes to be brought, as for such a grand occasion wherein He has invested great ‘individual’ interest, something was definitely due from Him, and the expectation was very much in the air.

In a most exhilarating Divine Discourse lasted an hour, hailing the day to be a day to rejoice, wishing that such days would repeat in future, Bhagawan exhorted one and all to recapitulate all that they heard during the day, concluding with an assurance that, wherever they were, be in the sky or on the mountain top or down in the deep sea, be in the forest or be in the city, He would be ever with them, urging them to have the faith deeply rooted assuring that God would never leave them.

Earlier, starting off in His inimitable style talking of the body and Atma connection, Bhagawan exhorted the devotees that God is one and one only and the indweller that He is, has no attributes that limits or binds Him. The nameless God, who is One and One alone appears as per the faith of the devotee, assuming the form of devotee’s choice.

Relating lucidly coining strings of anecdotes from the epic Mahabharata, going in detail of the story of Pandavas, hailing women of character in the epic, naming Draupadi and Subhadra, Bhagawan mentioned that teaching of women in the epic was of high order and esteem. Narrating the incident wherein a jealous Ashwathama killing the children of Pandavas, Bhagawan said, Arjuna was pacified by Subadra and Draupadi and so was Bhima who was pacified by Draupadi’s words of wisdom.

When, out of anger, Bhima was outraged vouching to finish Ashwathama, it was Draupadi who had advised him to understand the fact that, being mothers of the children, she and Subadra were equally agonized but advised against doing any retaliatory measure eventually leading to an attempt on Ashwathama’s life. They, in turn, advised Bhima to shave Ashwathama’s head to parade him in a procession in the city which would be an apt punishment. One who is fast asleep, one who is intoxicated and one who is resting without safety and security, it is not proper to kill such a person and one would never be justified in doing such an act, was the piece of pearls of wisdom from Draupadi to her husband Bhima, narrated Bhagawan.

Elucidating on the topic of the day, Ethics, interlinking the Mahabharata story, Bhagawan said, such ethics were giving protection for people. Equating life with wealth, Bhagawan said, to maintain life was equivalent to protecting one’s own life. Quoting the women of character in the epic, He added that women were broad minded and of noble character with noble ideals. Because of such women of integrity and character that Mahabharat has been shining since time immemorial.

Stressing on the greater need to uphold the tradition and culture of Bharat, Bhagawan highlighted that highest principles and lofty ideals in ethics and Upanishads are forgotten by Bharatiyas today. Tolerance adds to the beauty in this land. Calling the general tendency to ape the westerners as a sign of weakness, Bhagawan was categorical in telling that that one who protects the culture of Bharat is the true son of the land.

Repeating His oft quoted maxim, “Money comes and goes, Morality comes and grows”, Bhagawan urged one and all to uphold the tradition of Bharat, stressing on the greater importance to maintain integrity and character.

Dwelling on the subject of mind and control on thoughts, He said, limit is most essential; limitless desire would lead to perversion and diversion; mind should be directed in order to ensure that it does not hurt anyone, leading one to success.

Quoting another maxim close to His heart, “Help Ever Hurt Never”, naming it as one most essential quality to be developed, Bhagawan advised the assembly to never inflict pain on anyone to ensure that we do not suffer ourselves. He is intelligent who obtained such type of education. Claiming that such teachings would not be available in text books, He exhorted the students to rather test their brain than resorting to text books.

Quoting another of His favourite maxim, the three principles of God, “Love for God, Fear of Sin and Morality in Society” Bhagawan urged the students to intense love for God. Sins committed once would come back and with fear of sin one could develop greater character that would ultimately bring Love, cautioned Bhagawan.

Commenting on the present day’s plight of lacking sacredness in every area of activity, exhorting the devotees to “Be Good, Do Good, See Good” to take the Godward Path, Bhagawan ensured the devotees that they would be held in high esteem and respect in society, if they have tread the path prescribed.

He had special words of advice for students in particular. Reminding them that they are quite young, Bhagawan advised them to do good, demonstrate and undertake good tasks, deeds, serving the society.

And finally about Mother….Hailing mother to be the most important entity to be adored and loved, Bhagawan advised the boys to make their mothers happy; if one makes his mother happy, he will be happy throughout in his life.

Love All Serve All; this is your property; this has to be your property, you do not require anything else. Talking about service to fellowmen and society in general, He urged the students to understand the pristine principle behind the act; service should not be done with a money motive. Money comes and goes; Morality comes and grows.

Today is the day to rejoice. Let’s desire and wish that such days would repeat. Recapitulate all that you heard here today. You may be anywhere, be in the forest or in the city, in the sky or on the mountain top or in the deep sea, God will ever be with you, wherever you are…God will never be away from you…God is with you, in you, above you, below you, around you, protecting and safeguarding…Have this faith deeply rooted in you.

Bhagawan sang two Bhajans, “Bhajana Binaa Sukha Shanthi Nahin”…followed by “Subramaniam, Subramaniam…” This was followed by Arathi upon which Bhagawan retired to His “Divine Abode”, Yajur Mandiram, but not before announcing that, ALL STUDENTS ARE GOOD…urging them to CONTINUE TO BE GOOD…ALWAYS…

(Posted at 1610 hrs. on 30th Aug 2009)