Sunday, July 26, 2009



Ingredients A :
150g Semoling/sugee flour (lightly fry and set to cool before use)
60g ground almond
110g castor sugar or brown sugar
230g plain yoghurt
30g melted butter

Ingredients B :
30g raisin (cut into smaller pieces)
20g citrus peels (chopped)
30g almond nibs (toasted)

Ingredients C :
20g plain flour (sieve together with below)
1 1/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1/2 tsp baking powder

Method :

Add sugar into melted butter. Stir in yoghurt, sugee flour, almond powder and mix well. Add in ingredients B and ingredients C. Stir well in one single direction till well-mixed.

Pour mixture into two (10cm x 20cm) aluminum foil moulds. Bake for 20 minutes at 180 deg C and 20 minutes at 160 deg C until it turns brown.

(Contributed by Sis Annie Teh, SSBCNED, Penang)