NED held its 39th AGM on Sunday, 19th February 2023 after bhajans. 18 members attended the meeting. The Penang State Co-ordinator, Bro. Dr. Ratna was also present as observer. As this is a non-election year, the Office Bearers and Wing Co-ordinators remain unchanged.
Centre Main Committee Members
1. Chairman: Bro. Alan Chew
2. Secretary: Sis. Marian Chew
3. Treasurer: Bro. Lim Tee Keng
4. Service Co-ordinator: Sis. Tan Siew Choo
assisted by Bro. Eddie Tan
5. Spiritual Co-ordinator: Bro. Lee Yew Khun
6. Education Co-ordinator: Sis. Maggie Teoh
7. Youth Development Co-ordinator: Bro. Danny Teh
We thank Swami for His grace and blessings in all our endeavours and pray for His continued guidance.