Thursday, February 21, 2019

CNY Celebrations

Bhajans & prayers

Swami's Divine Message
Vegetarian buffet dinner
Yee Sang - the Prosperity Toss

Our Chinese New Year celebrations took place on Sunday, 10th February.  It was an evening of joy and jubilance as we gathered at the Centre to celebrate the coming of the Year of the Pig.  The programme for the evening began with Vedic chanting, bhajans and mantras followed by Chinese New Year songs.  Bro. Y.K. Lee delivered Swami's Divine Message followed by Arathi by Bro. Alan Chew, Chairman.  Oranges and red packets were also distributed to both young and old.  Everyone enjoyed a vegetarian buffet dinner after prayers.

Good luck, good health, peace and happiness to all for the new year!
Jai Sai Ram!