Sunday, November 25, 2018

Bhagavan's 93rd Birthday Celebrations


Evening bhajans 

Divine message

Cake cutting ceremony

Bhagavan's 93rd Birthday Celebrations began with Omkar/Suprabhatam/Namaavali in the early morning of 23rd November.  The prayers were followed by bhajans.

In the evening, our prayers began at 7.45 p.m. with Vedic chanting followed by bhajans and Sai mantras.  A short video on "Ceiling on Desires" was screened after the Divine message.  The highlight of the evening was the cutting of Bhagavan's birthday cake by a longtime devotee, whose birthday also falls on the same day.  The cake ceremony was accompanied by the joyous singing of Bhagavan's birthday song and the popular bhajan, "Sai Ram, Sai Ram".  About 60-70 devotees attended the celebrations which concluded at about 10.30 p.m. with a simple vegetarian dinner for all.