Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Guru Poornima

We observed the holy festival of Guru Poornima with Omkar on the morning of 19th July followed by a bhajan in the evening.

“The term ‘Guru’ means one who dispels the darkness of ignorance. ‘Gu’ means one who is beyond attributes (or gunas), ‘ru’ implies one who is beyond forms (rupa). This refers only to God. That is why the Guru is hailed as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva (the holy trinity of Hindu belief). Only God is the true Guru. All others are merely teachers, like the teachers of different subjects in a college. ‘Guru’ is the one who reveals the guri (target) to the disciple. ‘Guri’ here refers to the Atmic Principle (the principle of the self)”.

- Baba