Monday, May 25, 2015


Namasmaran means remembering or chanting God’s name repeatedly. It is one of the spiritual practices enjoined on an aspirant endeavouring to reach God. The importance Swami attaches to it is illustrated by an incident.

A devotee asked, “Swami, we often hear about total surrender (saranagathi). How is one to accomplish it?” Swami answered softly, “Bangaru, saranagathi is beyond you; why do you bother about it? Resort to namasmaran, God Himself will be at your beck and call.”

Swami once explained the special significance of namasmaran. “It is the most sublime of all the spiritual practices, it consists of japam (chanting of God’s name repeatedly), it is the most infallible penance (thapas). Kuchela could attain Lord Sri Krishna’s grace only through namasmaran. When you do namasmaran, intone the name with fervour, deep devotion and love. It bestows on you immense benefit.

In this Kali Yuga, namasmaran is enough to earn salvation and release from the otherwise unbroken cycle of birth and death. Namasmaran is the one and only divine medicine capable of curing you of lack of mental equanimity, avarice and other ills which torment you. It gives you abiding peace and contentment.

The name you choose can be any one of the thousands of names of God. Or, it can be any one of the names now in common use in any religion, country or region of the world, or in any section of devotees. Select any name and devote at least five minutes everyday for namasmaran; make it a part of your daily routine. It will give you immense benefit.”

Here is one illustration. Moorthy, Sri Kasturi’s son, was doing research in Geology. In that connection he had to tour forest areas in Assam. On one occasion when he was alone, a wild bear noticed him and began closing in on him. Moorthy fled for his life but the animal continued to chase him.

As he ran over some rocks in his desperate flight to safety, he tripped and fell down but continued to cry loudly, “Baba, Baba!” Within moments, a motor truck appeared there from nowhere and Moorthy found safety by getting into it.

After a few months, he happened to be in Prasanthi Nilayam. Swami told him, “I received your phone call and despatched a truck. Did it reach you in time?”

From the book “Tapovanam” by J.V.Sastry