Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sai Spiritual Showers - Issue 3/93

On Friday, 28 June 1968, at Devi Vilas, Palghat, thrice blessed by Baba's visit, 93 year old Sri Bharat Kesari Mannath Padmanabhan, the founder-leader of the NSS, Nair Service Society, Kerala, was suddenly taken ill. His condition worsened hour after hour. Speech became incoherent; he lost his memory; his condition was pronounced comatic. His pulse was only 50; he was definitely sinking. Stalwarts of the medical profession had rushed into the room as soon as they received the news; they declared that it was a case of cerebral thrombosis. "Only a miracle can save him," they said.
Mannamji had dedicated himself 50 years ago, to the service of the community. Before a lighted lamp, with five wicks, and a measure of paddy kept in ritual ceremonial, Mannamji had taken solemn pledge, and his aged mother had blessed him, invoking God, while placing her hand on his head. He has worked to fulfill that pledge, for half-a- century now; the result is evident all over Kerala, 100 High Schools, 20 Colleges, Polytechnics, Engineering College, Medical, Missions, Temples. Unmindful of his 93 summers, Mannamji had come to Palghat, for some work related to the Engineering College of the Nair Service Society. The day he arrived was Thursday, when Devi Vilas had Baba Bhajan, in the evening. He listened reverentially to the Bhajan. He said, "This Bhajan has given me overwhelming joy; I am so full of joy, that I have no relish for dinner.’ He stood with folded palms before the decorated portrait of Baba for sometime. He talked with the inmates for some time, on the meaning and purpose of the advent of Baba. Then, he retired for the night. Next morning, he was ill.
The foremost doctors, standing around his bed, said, "Only a miracle can save him." And, the miracle happened! Mrs Menon dashed into the prayer room. She recalled the miraculous cures effected by Baba's grace; she remembered His declaration: "My Dharma is Bhaktarakshana.” She brought a packet of the Vibhuti which Baba had created and given to her; a few pinches of that Vibhuti were given to Mannamji.. Amazing! Glorious! Mannamji rallied round; he tided over the crisis; he became almost normal. Doctors, kinsmen, and friends stood bewildered; they whispered, "It is Divine Grace, indeed, that has saved Mannamji!"
What was developing into a dangerous and critical cerebral thrombosis fizzled out, into a mere blood spasm. The clot in the brain had dissolved.
Doctors say that this cure is unique in medical history... After a couple of days' rest at Devi Vilas, Mannamji went back to Trivandrum journeying 250 miles, by car. And, there, he progressed fast.
I was privileged to be a thrilled participant of this Mahima revealing Baba's Glory and Grace, His Compassion and His Omnipresence.