Thursday, November 26, 2015

90 Years of Sathya Sai

It was with much love, joy and gratitude that we celebrated the 90th Birthday of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on 23rd November.  We are truly blessed to have witnessed His glory and splendour during His sojourn on earth and to be part of His divine mission. 

Our morning prayers began at 5.30 a.m. with the chanting of 21 Om's and Suprabhatam followed by bhajans.

In the evening, our programme began with a short video on our Centre activities over the years followed by the chanting of the Rudram Namakam and bhajans. Swami's Divine Message was delivered by Bro. Y.K. Lee, Centre Chairman.  The highlight of the evening was the lighting of Swami's birthday cake by a longtime devotee, Bro. Choong to the joyful singing of Swami's birthday song. The video "Love is His Message", a Radio Sai offering in celebration of Swami's 90th Birthday was also shown.  The evening concluded with Arathi at around 9.30 p.m. and a vegetarian dinner for all.


Evening Prayers


(For more photos, please see slideshow left side-bar)