Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's 89th Birthday was celebrated at SSBC Ned with Omkar & Suprabatham in the early hours of November 23rd, 2014. At 5.30am sharp, the holy chants of 21 Oms filled the air with positive vibrations. This was followed with 108 Naamavali and bhajans. After arathi, vegetarian breakfast was served to all who were present.
In the same evening, devotees started arriving at 6.00pm and they were shown two videos on Swami and His mission. At 7.30pm, the birthday celebrations commenced with Veda chanting and Sai bhajans. This was followed with lighting of Swami's cake and singing His birthday song. After arathi, vegetarian refreshments was distributed to everyone.
Om Sai Ram!
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