Friday, November 14, 2014

Sai Global Akhanda Bhajan 2014

This year was Ned's turn to host the Sai Global Akhanda Bhajan 2014 for Penang State.  The venue chosen was Sri Kunj Bihari Temple at Penang Road.  

The event began with the arrival of Swami's Padukas at 4.30pm, Nov 8th.  The welcoming entourage carried Swami's palanquin around the temple before proceeding to the second floor where the Akhanda Bhajans were to be held.  This was followed with Vedic and Rudram chanting, as well as Naamavalli.  Bro Sivabalan Vadiveloo then concluded the prayers with a brief explanation on the significance of Swami's Padukas.

At 6.00pm sharp, the bhajans began with members from all centers/bhajan units of Penang.  Each slot was two hours long and every center/bhajan unit took turns to offer their songs of worship to the Lord.  The Sai Global Akhanda Bhajans ended at 6.00pm on Nov 9th.

Bro Mathavan Suppiah, the State Coordinator for Penang, reiterated on the significance of Swami's padukas to all who were present.  He then invited every chairman of centers/bhajan units to offer in unison the mangala arathi which marks an auspicious ending to another blissful experience.

Click on the link below for more pictures :