SSBC NED has been selected by Swami to host the Paduka Pooja Yatra for 2014. This is the second year in which the Yatra is being held for the purpose of unity amongst all centres/bhajan units in Penang, leading up to the Global Akhanda Bhajans in November.
The auspicious event began with the Santification ceremony of Swami's Padukas on Sept 28th, 2014 at the Tanjung Bungah seaside, Penang. In the early hours of morning, at 5.00am sharp, the vibrating chants of Om awakened the quiet beach, followed by an hour of blissful pooja conducted by Bro Sivabalan Vadiveloo. All members who were present were also fortunate to participate in the pooja.
At 6.05am, the palanquin with Swami's padukas was transferred from the seaside to NED centre. Upon arrival, members greeted Swami with flowers, offerings and arathi, afterwhich we proceeded with Veda chanting, 108 Naamavali and bhajans. Refreshments were served at the end of the morning event.
The auspicious event began with the Santification ceremony of Swami's Padukas on Sept 28th, 2014 at the Tanjung Bungah seaside, Penang. In the early hours of morning, at 5.00am sharp, the vibrating chants of Om awakened the quiet beach, followed by an hour of blissful pooja conducted by Bro Sivabalan Vadiveloo. All members who were present were also fortunate to participate in the pooja.
At 6.05am, the palanquin with Swami's padukas was transferred from the seaside to NED centre. Upon arrival, members greeted Swami with flowers, offerings and arathi, afterwhich we proceeded with Veda chanting, 108 Naamavali and bhajans. Refreshments were served at the end of the morning event.
In the same evening and the following two days, prayers and bhajans were also conducted to commemorate Swami's Divine Presence.
(Click on the link below to see more pictures :
Paduka Pooja Yatra - Sanctification Ceremony)
(Click on the link below to see more pictures :
Paduka Pooja Yatra - Sanctification Ceremony)