I was in Madras on the 12th
December, 1965. On the morning of the 13th, I had His Darshan and
Bhagawan graciously anointed my forehead with the Vibhuti. I did not
realise then that in a gathering of over 1000 devotees, I was the first
to be blessed.
same night, I attended His public lecture, where 20,000 sat in perfect
silence. I was seated only a few yards from the platform. Bhagawan was
showing me the crown of His head, a few times. What was it for? I saw on
the top of the thick cluster of hair on His head, a flickering a Golden
Light. It was the Kundalini Shakti, raised over the Brahma-randra, a
sight I was pining to see, all my life.
I wanted
confirmation of my conjecture. Bhagawan, knowing my yearning, asked
Major Rayaningar to invite me also for the dinner on the 14th at his
place. Bhagawan was there for over three hours and I got an opportunity
to ask Him about that Golden Flame. He assured me that it was no
illusion of mine! He had only fulfilled my desire.
warned me that it is not the goal of life, which is still higher. There
is a great distance yet, for a Yogi to cover, before he attains the
Goal. He said, "Unfortunately all sastras and saints described that the
rousing of the Kundalini to Sahasrara Chakra as Nirvikalpa Samadhi." He
told me that it is not correct, even as He said as recorded in the
Srimad Bhagavatam, that the Yajnas or the Vedas do not take man to the
ultimate Goal of Life.
Baba has
told us in His discourses that man cannot ordinarily live for more than
21 days, after such an experience, because food also appears as God and
is in reality God, to him. It is impossible for such a one to eat and
drink. Therefore, the body perishes.
insists that the Yogic experience of Oneness in the Turiya (and
Turiyathitha) plane is not enough. The Jnani who has attained Nirvikalpa
Samadhi must literally see and feel God everywhere and in all things in
the physical plane also, all the time. To such a one, the planes are
not watertight compartments.