On hearing this, Shyam was in deep pain. He felt within himself: "Apart from serving at Your Feet, I have no other concern." Baba then went into another room and called Shyam inside. "In this entire world, for Me you are the only disciple. All others are only devotees." At that moment, Shyam fell at the Feet of Baba, and cried out, "You alone, You alone" (are my refuge) and breathed his last.
In all his life of over 82 years, Baba had never shed a tear in the presence of devotees. When Shyam passed away He shed three drops of tears. The devotees present there said: "Swami! Why do You feel so grieved? All are in Your hands." Baba replied: "Dear boys! I am not grieving at all. Almost all his sins had been wiped out already. By the three tear drops I shed, the remaining sins (of Shyam) have been washed away."
All that Baba said or did was for the good of the devotees alone.
Towards the end, Abdul Baba came to Baba. Baba told him: "I shall appear again and give you darshan." "When will that be?" asked Abdul. Baba told him: "It will be after eight years."
"The first advent of Sai was in Maharashtra. The second advent will be in Madras," Baba said. It should be noted that when this form (Sathya Sai) made its advent, Andhra Pradesh was part of Madras Presidency.