The 28th Annual General Meeting for NED Centre was held on 24th June, 2012, immediately after arathi, at 8.00pm. Our Penang State Coordinator, Bro Mathavan, was present as a witness for the event.
Minutes of the previous AGM was read through and confirmed as well as the accounts. This was followed by the selection of a new committee, with Bro Thum Koh Teik continuing as the Chairman, Bro Lim Soon Kheng as the Secretary, and Bro Ong Lean Hong as the Treasurer. The existing auditors, Bro Theng Kah Nyean and Bro Gan Boon Teong, has agreed to carry on with their services for another term. As for the the wing coordinators, it will be announced by Bro Thum in a week or two.
Refreshments was served at the close of the meeting.