Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sai Spiritual Showers - Issue 4/06

The other day, a friend of mine told me that he had requested Baba to relieve him of a position he held since it had added considerably to his mental tension. He said that Swami told him: "You must continue doing the job!" And with His characteristic smile added, 'Tension is good!'

This unexpected statement set me thinking. Baba never makes such a statement unless He meant something significant not only to the person concerned but also to others like me. The continuance of tension is contrary to what we understand by spiritual living. We believe that once we are on the spiritual path there will be no more tension! But Baba told my friend, 'Tension is good!’

Baba sows such seeds of thought which have often led me to exploration and adventure in the realm of thoughts and ideas. I delved a little more deeply into the word tension. In today's common usage tension has come to mean, "stress, strain, anxiety, apprehension, dread, nervousness, fearfulness, etc." Baba surely could not have meant that sort of tension! Was He trying to say that it is only under tension that we will think of Him? It is only under tension that whatever we have learnt is put to test. An examination is usually a period of tension, and very often we do our best under certain tension.

I recalled the occasion when I was under severe tension as I was gheraoed by my Office staff; that was the time when all that I had tried to learn from Swami was put to test. Baba says, "Love thy enemies. Start the day with love." I prayed, “Swami! These people are using all sorts of abusive terms against me. The union leader is doing his job. Let me not hate him, Swami.” I prayed. My tension decreased and a solution was eventually found. Most important of all, I had no ill will against him and all those who shouted, and I maintained good relations with them.

Swami says, “Welcome the test, for thereafter you are awarded the certificate. It is to measure your progress that tests are imposed. So, do not flinch in the face of grief: The Lord bestows a favour when He decides to test you, for He is impressed by your achievement and wants to put upon it the seal of His approval. Rise up to the demands of the test. That is the way to please the Lord."

I continued my exploration. I thought of the veena and the violin which are tuned by stretching the strings, i.e., by tension. Each string has to be stretched correctly so that it will produce a particular note and all the strings will be under proper tension so as to produce harmony—“the simultaneous combination of tones, especially blended into chords pleasing to the ear.” This gave me some new dimensions to the term tension. I recalled that while tuning the strings of a veena to a particular note, we not only tighten the string but the final tuning is done by moving a string so that at a particular position which is very critical, the string resonates on plucking. In the case of the violin, a screw is adjusted to get the same effect. To tune properly, we have therefore to achieve the correct tension; less tension or more tension will not produce the correct note. Too much tension will snap the string.

I tried to apply this concept to our day to day life. Is not much of our problems due to the fact that we tighten our strings too taut? In fact we are under such tension so often that the slightest touch snaps our mental equilibrium and we shouts back in anger at the first victim! Somehow we seem to be unable to learn the art of correct tuning. When you get angry Baba has told us, "lie down on the bed; drink a glass of cold water."

We are under too much tension when we are unable to cope with a situation. Then as our emotions take the upper hand, we forget all the good advice that Baba has been giving us and we burst out. Spirituality means correct tuning of all our faculties. Our mental dispositions must be well balanced—Sama Dheeh. This led me to the statement of Lord Krishna who told Arjuna that "Yoga is skill in action" (Yogah Karmasu Kausalam). Skill implies sharpening of our capabilities when we achieve the best under any given circumstance. This is possible when we are tuned properly. The term yoga itself implies one pointed attention without which such skill will be impossible. It is because we have not learnt the correct tuning of our abilities that we are unable to have mental equanimity.

Spiritual life therefore means tuning ourselves to the correct tension so that our body, mind and spirit, thought, word and deed, are in harmony. If we are unable to produce music it is because we are out of tune. Some of our strings have snapped under too much tension; others too lax to be able to produce the correct note.

Spirituality does not mean that we relax. It is not a state of being lax with little or no tension; such a state is Tamasic and not Satwic! A spiritual life means proper tension! It requires attention, at tension! The Samskrit word for a type of spiritual practice viz, Tapas, translated in English as "austerity", means heat. This certainly does not suggest an inactive state. All such states are the result of the proper type of tension tuning!

Baba is Himself the best exemplar of proper "tension". He is always busy and all His actions and activity display kushalam. Watch the steps He takes as He walks, the way He receives a letter or blesses a picture with His signature; when He speaks to a small group or to a lakh of eager listeners; when He pats on the back of a student or allows a devotee to have the much coveted Padanamaskar. If we want to understand what Baba meant when He told my friend, "Tension is good!” let us watch Him!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Our deepest sympathies and condolences to Bro Billy Fong, the President of Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia, and his family on the demise of his beloved father, Bro Fong Hong Seng, on Sunday, 21 June 2009.  Memorial bhajans were conducted on two evenings by members of all the Sai centers in Penang at the Batu Gantong Funeral Parlour, Penang, prior to the funeral on Tuesday morning.


NED held its 25th Annual General Meeting today, 21 June 2009, with a total attendance of 29 members, including Bro Sanjay Kumar, the State Coordinator of Penang.  The meeting commenced at 9.30am with Vedam Chanting, followed by the welcome address by our Chairman, Bro Ong Lean Hong.  After going through the agenda of the day, we adjourned for tea.  Shortly afterwards, we proceeded with the Sadhana Camp which began with a slide presentation on the highlights of recent activities held from April to June 2009.  This was accompanied with a beautiful song sang by Swami Himself entitled 'Sarva Velala'.  The meeting ended at 1.10pm after a very interesting movie presentation on the life story of 'Shirdi Sai Parthi Sai' (Part 1).

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sai Spiritual Showers - Issue 3/06

I am writing this from Brindavan. I came here from California about a month ago. In that time, I feel like I have died and been reborn!

To explain: Let me go back to about a year ago, when I was here last. At that time, when I took leave of Swami, He gave me permission to return to India for a prolonged stay, starting this October. "You come then," He said, "I will have some work for you to do.” I began planning for a Sabbatical from my teaching duties at an Institute in California.

But then, during the summer, serious illness struck. The diagnosis was a probable cancer in the liver area. Tests indicated `positive'. A biopsy and liver scan were recommended. But, I had heard of a metabolic therapy called 'Gerson Therapy' (Disclaimer: The contents of this article are purely the views of the author. We do not endorse any such alternative therapy) that was effective against all types of Cancer. So, I went to Mexico and commenced this very intensive cancer regimen. For two months, I battled the illness. All thoughts of the Sabbatical in India vanished as the available energy was directed towards staying alive.

Even though the body was very sick and oftentimes the mind got discouraged and was ready to give up, yet the inner man never doubted that Swami was with me, that He knew of this illness, and that, in time, He would pull me through.

After two months, the therapy took hold and I felt very much better. I knew then that I must go to India, if only for a short visit to thank Baba and re dedicate my life at His Lotus Feet. I couldn’t stay in India for more than a few weeks, since the therapy needed to continue for several months more to make sure there could be no relapse.

I wrote to my aged parents (my father is 88 and my mother is 85) who live on the other side of the U. S. Continent, that I planned a short visit to India, to see Baba. They got terribly worried. "You are not well enough to undertake such a trip. They are having floods and epidemics there. There wont be any good food for you,” they wrote back. "Why don’t you telephone Him, instead of going; it will be much better for your health and cheaper too," they suggested.

I got their letter on the 10th October, the day before Yom Kipur, the Jewish high holy day. They are devoted Jews. In honour of them and in gratitude to Swami for my new feelings of well being, I decided for the first time in many years to observe this Jewish holy day of Atonement, by fasting and immersing myself in prayer. This was the first interruption in two months of the therapy, which called for hourly feedings of specially prepared juices and medications. I asked my nurse helpers to take the day off. I felt I had only one duty to perform that day, and that was, to write to my parents and wish them the very best for the Jewish New Year and also to explain to them that it was not possible to telephone Baba, but to make them happy, I would at least try to send Him a telegram, and ask for His directions.

As I went to the Institute Office to mail the letter to my parents, I thought about what I might say in a telegram to Swami. While absorbed in these thoughts, I heard my name being called by the Secretary, who had seen me approaching the Office. "Al, there is a long distance phone call for you from the International Telegraph Office, in San Francisco."

I very rarely receive phone calls in the Office since I am there so infrequently and I have never received a telegram before. So, I was startled, to say the least. The operator on the other end of the line relayed the telegram message to me, it is from Prasanthi Nilayam, India. It says, "Please come immediately."

I couldn’t believe my ears. "My God! Is this real?"

Up to that moment, I was immersed in my life at the Institute, teaching, keeping up with the rigorous demands of the ther¬apy, and all the hundred daily involvements and chores that we have in our home setting. Now, everything changed instantly. I was galvanised into action. I didn’t know when I could actually leave, but, I ran home and started packing. Some friends heard the news and came over to help. One called the airlines to find out what flights were scheduled that day. Another offered to drive me to the nearest airport at Monterey, 75 kilometres away. Another got together some food for the long journey ahead, since I was on a restricted organic diet. Another brought me 600 dollars in cash, with the statement, "You'll need money for the trip; You can pay me back when you return." Another, a Catholic sister studying there, gave me her treasured Cross to take along to ask Swami to bless it. Still others came by just to give their well wishes for a safe journey and asked to be remembered to Baba.

It was as if Swami's Shakti and Prema had suddenly crystallized in this remote place. Busy as I was with packing, I choked up at this unfolding scene of love. In no time, the packing was done, and all the other matters, related to my house and classes, and the people helping me with the therapy, were taken care of.

Within less than two hours of receiving the telegram message, I was on my way, on a 13,000-mile journey to Swami. A new non stop service from Los Angeles to London and London to Bombay which was leaving within an hour of the arrival of my connecting flight in Los Angeles would get me to Bombay in record time!

Coming to that first small airport at Monterey without reservations and learning that the various flights were all fully booked, posed no real problem at all for me, since I knew that Divine Energy was fuelling my present journey. Somehow, a seat always appeared. I made good my promise to myself that day to take no food or drink for 24 hours. Somewhere over the North Atlantic, I untied the food basket that my friend had fixed, and, closing my eyes, offered a shiny, juicy apple to the Lord. Then, opening my eyes, I looked around the darkened aircraft. I remember the sense of awe I felt at finding myself in these surroundings as I broke the Yom Kipur fast. A sweet sleep followed, high up at 40,000 feet. Soon enough, we were in London and 12 hours later, at Bombay.

I had no visa; but, the Customs Official decided that last year's visa would do. I didn't argue! Collecting my luggage, I ran for the Indian Airlines flight which was to take off for Bangalore in 30 minutes. Of course, it was full; but, as with the other flights, space became available. Anyway I landed at Bangalore. It happened that the Chief Minister of Karnataka was on the plane. A driver who was a Sai devotee had delivered someone to the Bangalore Airport. Hearing that his Chief Minister was aboard, and curious to see him, he hung around the airport, until my flight landed. Coming out of the terminal, I connected with the driver, just as he was about to drive off to the West End Hotel, where he was stationed. "Sai Ram. How about taking me to Prasanthi Nilayam?" I asked him.

"Yes,” he said, "but Baba is supposed to be coming back to Bangalore tomorrow,” he replied. Let us go, anyway,” I told him. "O.K. We can stop at my place on the way and I'll tell my wife I wont be home this evening" "Good,” I said. I felt at peace inside; the journey was coming to an end.

Three hours later, we were at the Darshan Line and my heart rejoiced as I again saw the Lord. He greeted me, with, "Achha! When did you arrive?” I knew was home.

That is really the end of the story. Baba stayed for a week more in Puttaparthi and then, came to Whitefield, Bangalore. At the time of this writing, the daily Darshan has been continuing for three weeks and a half, and my heart is filling up as I sit happily at His Feet basking in His Grace. Can you now see, why I said I feel a little like I died and was re born?

Swami has given me permission to teach at the College in Brindavan. It looks like the Sabbatical has started after all, although under totally unexpected circumstances! Even if He tells me to leave tomorrow there is never really any return to the previous life.

Every time one comes anew to Baba, one's life starts anew. Clearly the illness was a purification that He sent. Baba told me during the interview that the body was now healed. "I am always with you. I never forget you for a moment. I am in your heart; and, you are in mine,” He said.

When our beloved Sai says that, to us what else is there to do but to fall at the Feet in gratitude? What a wonderful good fortune we all enjoy to be alive in this time in the presence and knowledge of the Yuga Avatar, our dear Swami.

He says He never forgets us even for a moment if only we would follow His lead and never forget Him even for a moment. Truly, what other Sadhana is there for us, but to steadily and constantly love Him, love Him, love Him?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sai Spiritual Showers - Issue 2/06

The mail brought me a letter from the State President of the U. P. State Sai Organisation informing me that Swami had approved my name to act as the Group teacher of the U. P. girl students selected for the summer course at Brindavan 1978.

The morning session of the Valedictory function started with Swami's Discourse consisting of references to the ordeals of His student life and ending with His exhorting the students to lead a life of Discipline, Duty and Devotion. Then He graciously allowed all participants the most coveted opportunity of 'Padanamaskar', turn by turn, and giving them 'Vibhuti packets' with His own hands. When my turn came, I prostrated myself at His feet. As I stood up, I uttered, inadvertently "Swami. Please bless me so that I can translate your 'Chinna Katha' in Urdu.” Swami, then looked at me closely for a moment and smiled. He graciously nodded and said, "Yes, Yes, do it.” Then He blessed me with eight packets of Vibhuti. I was too overwhelmed with joy to remember how I walked back to my seat. The fact that Swami spoke to me and blessed me made me feel an inward sense of spiritual wealth. After His Discourse was over, we returned to our dormitory. I carefully preserved this Blessed Vibhuti in an empty yellow tin box and tightly closed its lid.

In the early morning of the 21st June '78 while the grounds of Brindavan were echoing the holy chantings of the Suprabhatam and the Nagarsankirtan was about to move, we were tearfully boarding the minibus—casting a last lingering look at the Sanctuary of Peace. Hardly had we outgrown our sad farewell sentiment when we found ourselves at Bangalore railway station. Soon we settled down in our seats. We closed the sliding door of the coupe from inside, and set about attending to morning chores.

Around 9 a.m. I remembered it was time I took the morning dose of my Blood Pressure medicine. I looked for it in my box and in my handbag and in my purse but it was nowhere. Perplexed I sat down in my seat next to the window and tried to recall where I could possibly locate it. Then the idea came to my mind that I might have kept it with Baba's Vibhuti. At once I reached for the yellow tin in my box. Taking it in my hand, I opened the lid carefully but the medicine was not there either. The train had now picked speed and its jerky motion made my hands too shaky to close the lid tightly. I placed the tin on the windowsill of the train and thumped hard on its lid. To my horror, it suddenly slipped from my hand and rolled out of the window, down the railway track and fast faded from view as the train moved on. I was shocked. The world of Bliss seemed to have slipped from my grasp. I became frantic to the consternation of all present. "My Tin, My Tin, My Vibhuti tin—Oh, I have dropped it. I must get it back, I am going". I shrieked, and rushed towards the sliding door. My frantic behaviour frightened my students. They tried to stop me. "Where are you going? We will give you our Vibhuti—Oh stop—Please don't go". But I had no ears for them. I had only one thought; I must get back my Vibhuti tin. It was Swami's gift. How could I go back leaving it behind? No, I must find it—come what may. In this frenzy I almost forgot that to open the door it had to be slid. Instead I violently pushed it forward and when it would not open I put all my pressure to break it open. To everyone's horror the hinges which held the door tight suddenly loosened and the disjointed door fell against the upper berth facing it and I plunged out. The train was running fast and I could have met my death but miraculously I was unhurt.
I had no thought that I was running bare-footed—or that there was no certainty that I would find my precious Vibhuti or that having left my train, how I would return-penniless as I was. I even forgot that I was a woman or that I had left my wards in the train or I was a patient of blood-pressure and was not medically permitted to do hard physical activity; and here I was running fast—gasping for breath, each of which spoke only one prayer: "O Baba, please help me find my Vibhuti".

I now had arrived on a point where another railway track intersected the one I had been following. "Won't you show me the correct path O Baba?" I cried, as hot tears rolled down my cheeks. Next moment I was running again. Surely I had made the choice of my course but whither was it leading me? There was no going back now and so I ran on. And lo, suddenly in the green bushes down the railway track, there glittered a small yellow circular thing. It was the Vibhuti tin indeed. Ah, I had found it. I hungrily jumped towards it and picking it I pressed it against my heart and touched it with my head. Overwhelmed with joy I found myself crying again—but now the tears were of Gratitude.

Instinctively then, I wanted to run back to my train to share my Joy with the Sai devotees aboard it. I looked back; but where was the train? Evidently it had travelled far off. From the distance between us it appeared like a small toy-train. But still like one possessed I started running towards it. The return race was an ordeal. My feet seemed to be out of gear. I was panting with fatigue but I had no other way. Presently the train began assuming proportion and it looked larger in size. Had it come to a standstill or had I covered the gaping distance? I wondered. In the next few moments I was in a close range of it. Visibly there was no railway station for its stoppage, and yet the train had stopped, as if only to collect me! How could this be? But before I could think more I almost collapsed. The good doctor and some others helped me get into the train. They laid me on my berth and gave me Vibhuti dissolved in water to drink and also applied some of it on my forehead. Soon I recovered. I needed no more medicine.

Monday, June 8, 2009


As part of the SAICARE program, a Stress Management - Public Meditation Workshop, facilitated by Bro James Kon, was held at USM last Sunday, 7 June 2009.  More than twenty of our members had attended this session and gained much knowledge on meditation.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Well, we came out 2nd at the National Educare Carnival for choral speaking. And here's my reflection on this unbelievable feat done by "Swami":

"..It was truly, truly a gift from the Lord.. I was more nervous and full of anxiety and tension when comparred to our choral speakers themselves. Before the our speakers were ushered into the arena, I could see how tensed our young speakers were and this worsened my own confidence as a teacher just minutes before the finals. I had already lost my voice when I stood nervously near the stage to usher our budding heroes and heroines to deliver Swami's message to the adults entitled "Peace Not Pieces!"

We were the fourth to go on stage and my heart pounded even more rapidy when a few of our students told me that they were very scared... I was equally scared too as almost all our kids had never gone on stage for any performance in their life.. And what more, after having seen the first 3 performances by other states, I knew our kids were at a disadvantage in many aspects....I knew that the KL and Selangor teams went through elimination rounds before they were selected to represent their respective states. And ours was an impromtou choir comprising of students from ages 10 to 14 years from all centres on the island and they all had varied linguistic ability. Getting them to properly utter the initial vowel sounds like "arr" and "orr" was a challenge as these initial sounds are heavily influenced by their own mother tongue.

As our speakers took the stage, I suddenly saw myself hiding near the wall and shying away from the stage... like a kid myself, I dare not even look at the choir directly for not wanting to see any flaws in them but preferred to see the reactions of the judges. There I was, like a teacher trainee ( despite having 35 years of teaching experience ) all eyes glued on the judges and hoping to get some consolation and compassion from them in their asssessment.

In the midst of their performance, I sighed with relief when I noticed that the judges were excited with our students' performance and they did actually reacted positively towards our their performance...there was some laughter amongst them...and I knew the Lord was pleased with the theme and message of our presentation."

(Contributed by Bro Bala Chandran, SSBCNED, Penang)



a choral speaking prose written by Bro Bala Chandran of SSBC NED Penang 

The above prose was rendered by about 25 EHV students from various Sai Baba Centres of Penang during a Choral Speaking competition organized by the Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia (Educare Wing) on the 7th of June 2009 at the International Language Teachers’ Institute, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 

As one may know, “Choral Speaking “ is the interpretation of poetry or prose by a group comprising anything from half a dozen to a hundred speakers. It involves a full and varied use of the individual voices that make up the group. There may be divisions of the whole group into light and dark voices, broken and unbroken, male and female, treble and so on. Individual voices may be used as solo.

The above competition was held to instil in the students the importance of human values in daily life and also to encourage teamwork and discipline.

Our students were from varied backgrounds and linguistic ability and it was a real challenge for gurus - Sis Malar, Dr.Uma, Bro.Ravi and Bro.Bala Chandran to guide the students in various aspects of choral speaking.

For the full script, please click below :



( a scene in the  home)


A. I’ve said my prayers maa….
B. Mummy I’ve said mine too…
C. Okay ! your bus is here darling…..
D.  Am off to school now!
E. Goodbye! Take care!
F. See you…. sweet heart!

(  Children are on their way to school in a city….and they hear the hustle and bustle of the city )
Ppoonnn pppoonnnnn…..honkkkk hoooonkkk…..
(Sound of cars honking)

A:  Get out of my way!
B:  Eh, you where’s your brain!
C:  Where’s your manners?
D:  Ooei! wait for your turn lar!
F:  Have patience I say!
G:  Speak softly I say  (yelling)
H:  Stop it! stop it!  I say!
I  :  At last  at last.. We’ve reached our school gates…

RRRRiiiiiiinnggggggg (School bell rings….children are seen rushing and pushing each other as they head for their classrooms)

A.  “Hey Get outta  of  my way!”
B.  “Patiencelah!”
C. “You boys, stop pushing me!”
D. “Hey, you girl ”
E.  Can’t you all queue up!

(… in the classroom..teacher comments about the class atmosphere)

T:  Ahem, Good morning class.
B. “Good…morning… teacher….”
T. There’s so much noise and havoc in this class!
C. The whole world is in pieces, teacher….
T. Yes, no peace but pieces!
D. Pieces.. pieces.. pieces.. (echoing – all students)
F. We want peace not pieces x 3 ( students)

( Teacher questions students about “PEACE”)

T:  Can you tell me about “peace” children?
B. Yes I know, it’s not found in our homes.
G.. True  teacher, no more peace at home
B.  The entire world teacher,….no peace but pieces!
ALL.  Peace not pieces peace not pieces peace not pieces

(Teacher gets students to elaborate on “Peace not Pieces”)

T : How do you children know that there’s no peace on earth?
G : From the TV teacher , from  the internet,  Astro  and  newspapers!
S : I always hear my father shouting at my mother, teacher
S : My mother also quarells with my neighbour’s teacher
G:  Adults don’t give us good examples, teacher !!!
All :  (Laughter)
B.  True teacher… there’s fighting and quarelling everywhere
G:  Disobedience, quarelling, intolerance,  bombing, kidnapping,
      daylight robbery
B:  killing, thefts,  suicide, cheating, corruption 
ALL:  child abuse, maid abuse, wife abuse, husband abuse, student abuse and teacher abuse TOO
ALL:  Help us! Help us, please!… we want peace not pieces!

( Teacher and students ponder over solutions for PEACE )

All.   Show us the way teacher.
T :   Yes I will show you the way… there’s a simple formula for students like you to follow called  “ WATCH”  Sai Baba )
ALL :  What  watch, watch…watch watch.. What do you mean…?
T :   W for Watch your Words..
ALL: OIC…. Speak softly and lovingly
G :   and always keep your words and fulfill your promises.
 :  “A “ for Actions.. Watch your actions.
G :  Do not hurt anyone with your words, thoughts and deeds
B :  Love All and Serve All
T :  Absolutely.. And “T” is for thoughts
G :  We know teacher.. It means we have to keep our thoughts pure
B : … no hatred! no jealousy!


B :  and what’s  for “C” teacher?
T :  Now, who can answer that?
G : We know! we know ! teacher…its for Character ..
Boys : Good character teacher…behave well, honesty, loving kindness, helpfulness
T : Excellent …and finally  “H” stands for…
B : To   be healthy  teacher
T :  Not exactly.. can the girls try..?
G : “H” for Heart  teacher
T : That’s right…we have to be loving and kind to everyone at all times
B : Does it mean we have to reduce anger, hatred ,impatience, jealousy?
T : Yes boys.. that’s right.. In short, we have to watch our
words, actions, thoughts, character and heart.
G : Looks like we have to  control of our words and actions through
our thoughts.
T : That’s right children.. There must be harmony in  our thoughts, words and deeds.
ALL  :  We  should not cause hurt even by a word, a look or a gesture.


Teacher : “This is the cornerstone for all regardless
                 of age. With CONFIDENCE in the SELF we
                 can lead Meaningful, Compassionate
                 lives as caring members of our Families
                and Societies.”

( )


G:THERE’S PEACE IN THE WORLD. “           (Sai Baba )

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sai Spiritual Showers - Issue 1/06

Devotee: Baba is responsible for the entire Universe, not just this world.

Sri Sathya Sai: It is like this: Baba is the switch. The switch is turned on and all goes forward automatically. As the key is turned in a car, all parts work automatically. In similar way, the Universe is automatically regulated. So called miracles are not miracles, nor do they prove Divinity! Baba's endless work in all the worlds—easy, no weight, always happy—that is the miracle.

Devotee: Baba is responsible other Worlds as well, is He not?

Sri Sathya Sai: Yes. Saints, Rishis, Yogis, everywhere. He is attending to the guidance protection and welfare of these, wherever they may be.

Devotee: Baba has the inconceivably immense task of the Universe. How can He afford to spend time talking to people like us?

Sri Sathya Sai: Baba, with his limitless bodies, is everywhere doing the tasks, a thousand heads—hands—feet "Sahasra seersha purushah sahasraksha sahasrapad" It is just this body that sits here talking to you. That is Baba's omnipresence.

Devotee: All the forms and personalities one sees around are impermanent. Baba also appears to be one of these objects.

Sri Sathya Sai: The difference is that men come into bodies with tendencies and the results of actions. Baba takes this body without any tendencies, completely free, no desires, no attachments, always happy.

Devotee: When one sees Baba as a form amongst all perishable forms, cannot one point to Him as the One Reality amongst all these impermanent dream—like forms?

Sri Sathya Sai: Yes. The One Reality is Baba, Baba means, Being Awareness Bliss-Atma, the One Reality.

Devotee: The Avatar is never born, but, He appears to take birth in a body, which then gradually grows to full size in the ordinary way. Does the Avatar have additional similar bodies?

Sri Sathya Sai: No. The Avatar takes only the one body, such as you have described. For, example, there is one sun; but, the suns rays are everywhere. Are the rays of the sun different from the sun?

Devotee: Just: under the skies, about an inch, there seems to be a mirror; when I see Baba outside, I also see Him in that mirror. The reflection mirror mirrors Baba's every move. Of these two, the Baba I see with my eyes, and the Baba of the inside reflection, which is the most real?

Sri Sathya Sai: Consciousness is a reflection. If pure, it is a clear reflection. It is by the Sankalpa of Baba that the reflection is seen.

Devotee: Is it to the inside Baba that prayers and devotion should be addressed?

Sri Sathya Sai: When Baba is found with in, He will be seen everywhere outside.

Devotee: When one enquires within, "I" is found to be "I"; that I is thought to be oneself. But, then, it seems to me that "I" is not me at all; but, is Baba.

Sri Sathya Sai: That is correct. "I" is Baba. Have no doubt. You and Baba are One. Not the tendencies and so on. But, the essential "you”, and Baba are one and the same..."I" is Baba.